Thursday, August 24, 2006

Chasing the Flame

Greg Groggel (IPE 2006) is a 2006-2007 Thomas Watson Fellow who is traveling the world working on the project "Chasing the Flame: The Lasting Legacy of Hosting the Summer Olympics." Greg writes that ...

As a graduate of the International Political Economy program at the University of Puget Sound, I have been taught to investigate social problems and issues using the tools and methods of political science, economics, and sociology. Yet my unwavering interest has always been sports.

Over the past few years, as I have become more involved with international sport, I have slowly begun to comprehend its global power as a greater social concept. The worldwide popularity of sport has led one commentator to remark, “God apart, only sports teams inspire such devotion.”

Yet when examining the current social-scientific research, the most glaring facet is the lack thereof. In an attempt to make grounds on the scholarly deficit, I wrote my senior thesis on the potential for sport to be used as a practical tool to achieve objectives in peace and development. If interested in the subjects of international affairs and sport, I invite you to take a look at my work.

  • You can follow Greg's travels, learn about his work, see his spectacular photos and read his weblog at
  • Scott Warren (IPE 2005) has completed his Watson year. His weblog can be found at

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