Tuesday, September 26, 2006

New Graduate Program at UCSB

The University of California at Santa Barbara is annoucing a new Master's program that may be especially interesting to IPE students. Here is an excerpt from an email from UCSB Professor Benjamin J. Cohen (the scholar who coined the term "unholy trinity").
I'm contacting you to ask your help in sending promising students our way. The two-year degree is intended to help prepare students for careers in international organizations -- primary civil society NGOs, but also business and government.

While the full details of the program are described on its website (http://www.global.ucsb.edu/magis/), in brief it combines social science and humanities courses with practical training and real-world experience. Students typically will spend the summer of their first year and fall quarter of their second year abroad, taking courses and doing internships with NGOs, or public or private sector organizations. Students will also take policy-oriented workshops designed to simulate real-life decision-making situations, as well as learn about such practical matters as grant writing and organizational financing. Internships (and eventual job placement) will be provided by the Program's Graduate Advisor/Placement Officer.

If you know of any students who might be interested in applying to the program, please have them contact Jessea Gay Marie, the program's graduate advisor and internship placement officer, at (805) 893-4668 or by email at jmarie@global.ucsb.edu. The formal application process should be initiated at UCSB's Graduate Division website (https://www.graddiv.ucsb.edu/eapp/).

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