Monday, December 11, 2006

Atlantic Council Essay Contest

The Atlantic Council of the United States announces an essay contest for undergraduate students on a topic related to transatlantic relations. Thanks to the generosity of the DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund, we will be able to offer an award of $500 and a trip to Washington for the winner and a $250 award for the second place essay. Following a deadline in mid-April, the essays will be judged by a prominent jury of transatlantic relations experts.

The first place prize will be awarded at the second Christopher J. Makins Lecture, to be held in late May or June 2007 in Washington. The Makins Lecture features an address by a prominent analyst on the topic of transatlantic relations; the 2006 Lecture was given by Professor Zbigniew Brzezinski at the residence of the British Ambassador to the United States, Sir David Manning.

Further details on the essay contest, including specific topic, final deadline, and length of essay, will be forthcoming in January at:

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