Tuesday, January 09, 2007

British versus American IPE

Students of International Political Economy may be interested in an essay by UCSB IPE Professor Benjamin J. Cohen, which was given as the keynote speech at the first International Political Economy Society meetings at Princeton in November 2006 (click here to download Cohen's essay). Professor Cohen discusses the differences in how IPE evolved in the United States and in Great Britain and the lack of communication between the two schools. Interestingly, I think most scholars would say that IPE at UPS fits the British school model better than the American one, perhaps reflecting the early influence of British professor Susan Strange and European Studies professor David Calleo.
Professor Cohen is writing a book (to be published by Princeton University Press) about the intellectual evolution of IPE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for linking to this article! It caught my interest at least.

Maybe not that surprising, I think that the IPE course(s) at my school can be placed in the British school of thought.

Student at B.Sc. International Business & Politics, Copenhagen Business School