Sunday, October 06, 2013

Session on fellowships with Ambassador James Gadsden, October 7th

This is a great opportunity for sophomores, juniors, and seniors:

 Ambassador James Gadsden, Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation

Monday, October 7, 2013
 Wyatt 101

This information session offers you an opportunity to meet with Ambassador James Gadsden, a career foreign service officer (retired), to explore careers in the U.S. Foreign Service and to investigate fellowship opportunities provided by the Thomas Pickering Undergraduate and Graduate Fellowships. Ambassador Gadsden is a retired career U.S. Foreign Service Officer and currently the Senior Counselor for International Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation in Princeton, New Jersey.

The Pickering Fellowship provides funding to participants as they prepare academically and professionally to enter to the United States Department of State Foreign Service.  The Undergraduate Fellowship provides financial support  $40,000 - $44,000 annually for actual expenses for the senior year of College and the first year of graduate school.  The Graduate Fellowship provides financial support of up to $40,000 - $44,000 annually  per academic year for each of a two-year master’s degree program.  Both fellowships will provide support for tuition cost, room & board, books, mandatory fees, and one round trip ticket between the Fellow’s residence and his/her academic institution.

The goal of the Fellowship is to attract outstanding students who will enroll in two-year master’s degree programs in public policy, communication, international affairs, public administration, or academic fields such as business, economic, political science, sociology, or foreign languages.

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