Wednesday, February 12, 2014

IPE Summer Research Fellowship

Dear IPE majors,

The IPE Program is accepting applications for the IPE summer research fellowship for summer 2014. The deadline for submitting applications is February 24, 2014. Each year the IPE Program awards at least one grant of up to $4000 to support student research for 8 weeks during the summer. Awards are usually granted to rising seniors, but rising juniors are also welcome to apply. It is a great opportunity to work on a project that you are interested in.

Application information can be found on the IPE website at The instructions and requirements look a bit daunting, but they are really fairly straightforward. Your faculty supervisor can help you with the application process, or you can ask me questions by email or by stopping by my office in McIntyre 209. We also encourage you to apply for the University’s summer research awards; applications for them are due March 10th.

Even if you are not applying for an IPE summer fellowship this year, we hope you’ll familiarize yourself with the award and the process of applying so that you can consider it next year.

Best wishes,

Bradford Dillman
Chair of the International Political Economy Program
University of Puget Sound
1500 N. Warner St., # 1057
Tacoma, WA 98416

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