Monday, March 02, 2015

IPE Brownbag with Professor Kontogeorgopoulos

Reminder: IPE Brownbag with Professor Kontogeorgopoulos on Tuesday, March 3rd, 12:30-1:30 in Trimble Forum. Hope to see you there.

In the past decade, community based tourism (CBT) has emerged as an important component of the domestic tourism market in Thailand, signifying trends that are more encouraging than those associated with more conventional forms of tourism in Thailand. Many rural communities in Thailand struggle to sustain CBT projects, but it is nevertheless possible, with the right combination of circumstances, to pursue successful CBT. The case study of Mae Kampong, a village in the Northern Thai province of Chiang Mai that is renowned nationally as a showcase CBT community, illustrates that fortunate geographical conditions, external support, and transformational leadership represent the most important determinants of success for CBT in Thailand.

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