Monday, May 04, 2015

IPE Commencement Reception and Awards Ceremony

Dear Seniors,

I want to remind you that the IPE Commencement Reception and Awards Ceremony will take place in Kilworth Chapel on Friday, May 15th, 8:00-9:30 pm. Doors open at 7:30, and we start at 8:00 pm sharp. We expect everyone to attend.

At this ceremony, the IPE faculty will give out awards (the Pros Ta Akra Academic Achievement Awards, the Susan Strange Awards, the Distinguished Service Award) and hand out the cords that IPE majors wear during commencement. Refreshments and a reception in the Kilworth basement will follow the ceremony.

This is a special event, especially for your parents, so we encourage you to bring family or friends who are in town for commencement. Please let your family know the correct time, as a university page for commencement receptions has listed the wrong time. Dress is business casual.

If you have any questions, you can contact your thesis advisor or the IPE chair, Brad Dillman. We hope your semester if wrapping up well, and we look forward to celebrating your accomplishments.

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