Friday, November 16, 2007

Congressional Internship Opportunity

The Office of Rep. Rick Larsen (D‑WA‑02) is seeking to hire an intern in the Washington DC office for winter or spring terms. Candidates should have an interest in and knowledge of the legislative process, possess excellent writing and communication skills, and have an understanding of the American political system.

Interns will be responsible for projects such as writing congressional correspondence, working with federal agencies, fielding constituent phone calls and other requests. Other duties include leading Capitol building tours and providing staff with general office support. During their term, interns are encouraged to attend briefings and committee hearings of personal interest and complete individual and team goals.

If you would like to be considered for an internship, please fax your resume and cover letter to (202) 225-4420 or email If you have questions about an internship, please contact Julie Housh by email or by phone at (202)225-2605.

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