Monday, December 03, 2007

S.E. Asia Study Tour Interest Meeting

Culture &Business, Beaches & History in
Cambodia and Thailand

Early Summer Short Term Study Tour

May 20-June 6, 2008

The School of Business and Leadership at the University of Puget Sound is offering a short term study tour to Cambodia and Thailand immediately following graduation. The program includes lectures and discussions on business and culture in Cambodia and Thailand, survival language instruction in Khmer and Thai, trips to beaches and tourist spots, field trips to businesses, and three days at Angkor Wat, Cambodia’s premier tourist destination. The program fee of $1995 covers all accommodation, meals, local and international transportation, and field trips and instruction during the program. This program is open to all students having an interest in or wishing to learn more about Southeast Asian culture, history, and business environments.

There will be an informational meeting at

5 p.m., Tuesday, December 11

in Battin Lounge (McIntyre 109)

for all students interested in this program.

Please contact Professor Jim McCullough in the School of Business and Leadership ( or phone at 879 2920 if you have any questions.

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