Monday, December 03, 2007

Calendar Project Supports East Timor Education

We recently received this email from Michael Jones, UPS Class of 1993 (an IPE major before there was an IPE major). You can see a copy of the 2007 calendar in the hallway outside Prof. Veseth's office (Mc213M).

2007 has been a dynamic year in Timor; we never know exactly what is going to happen next. However, the Timorese are taking it their usual, ‘husik ba’ stance: they keep about their business, more or less (tur halimar, la’o halimar, servisu halimar, toba halimar, descansa halimar…).

The Sra. Lina Maria Boavida memorial scholarship fund is going strong, supporting four students in their endeavors for higher education in Timor; all are making headway despite the uncertain climate (manas eh?).

We raised almost $2,000 last year, including over $500 in donations. With a similar performance this year, we’ll have established a fund that can see the first two groups all the way through their five years of university, and we’ll continue raising funds to support successive classes. To read more about the scholarship fund:

The 2008 calendar is at the printer already! The proof is approved, and they should be printing this coming week. That means they’ll be shipped to arrive to you before Christmas! (Fiar ka lae? Maromak ne’e!)

The 2008 calendar is about livelihoods in Timor, and features photographs and commentary from Mr. Heinz Heile (coordinator for GTZ’s eastern rural development project), our very own Jesse Wright (rpcv, TL2), and a few by myself. You can view a low-res PDF on the internet (hare to’ok):

Just like last year: $10 per calendar, plus $2 per calendar for shipping and handling, order ten or more and the shipping is free. Again, with his characteristic graciousness, my brother, Bill, is coordinating the shipping and payments. You can send a check or money order directly to him:

Bill Jones / 825 117th St. S.W. / Everett, WA 98204

All proceeds (about $5 per calendar) go directly to support the scholarships.

We will be printing an East Timor version with costs paid by GTZ, meaning 100% of price will support the scholarship fund. So if you are in East Timor, you can order directly from me and pick it up personally.

With further questions you can contact me by e-mail.

Thanks for your support!

Michael Jones

1 comment:

angel said...

m really glad that there is such effort to help the people in Timor....they just need the scholarship badly to boost their education level, especially the opportunity to learn new things....bye