Monday, March 30, 2009

Kelsey Quam '09 Awarded Peru Research Fulbright

Kelsey Quam (IPE '09) has been awarded a Fulbright research fellowship to study in Peru. Kelsey wrights that ...
My Fulbright focuses on textile production in the rural villages of the Cuzco region. I will study changes in the economic, social, and cultural environments of these communities as textiles are increasingly marketed and sold to international importers and the tourist market. I will focus on the weaving “revitalization” movement that has recently emerged in this region. Revitalization efforts include educational programs for weavers, the documentation and preservation of ancient patterns, and the use of hand-spun and naturally-dyed fibers in textile production. I will address the promises this movement offers to weavers, as well as new critical issues surrounding the movement that have been less studied. I will affiliate with the Center for Traditional Textiles of Cuzco and the Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco.
Congratualtions to Kelsey!

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